Holistic Health Coach

It’s not just about feeding your belly, it’s about feeding your being.


woman eating healthy salad from plastic container near the river, holistic health coachThe Path To Change:

Embarking on healthier lifestyle changes is no small feat.  It is easy to become lost in a world of ever changing and often times contradictory health related messages.  It is even easier to get lost in the world of modern medicine, where often times the one-on-one experience is so greatly diminished.  You are your best health advocate!  Take charge!  I am here to help.

As your holistic health coach, I will look at who you are as a whole being.  Taking you beyond the basics of diet and exercise, we will explore all of the challenges to balances in creating optimal health.  We will delve into practical applications of ancient healing wisdom, exploring the connectedness between mind, body, soul and the earth.

Holistic Process:

The food we put into our bodies is only a part of the picture.  We must also feed our minds, our hearts and our souls.  When we do this we think of food as nourishment and a source of sustenance and life sustaining energy.  We are then able to create the elusive lifestyle balance that so many of us seek.  As your coach, I will help you peel back the layers of self sabotage which hold you back from committing to the lifestyle changes necessary for complete wellness and wholeness.

I support you in working through all modalities, from western medicine to eastern philosophies.  I help you to advocate for yourself by educating you on current research, coupled with ancient healing practices so that we can address the root of your imbalances and work toward correcting them.

Custom Designed Plan:

Our DNA proves that we are all unique, there is no one-size-fits-all remedy to cure what ails us.  As your holistic health coach, I explore your challenges in the physical, emotional and spiritual realms to determine the underlying cause of symptoms you present.  Together we will create a custom designed plan incorporating nutrition, meditation, mindfulness, visualization, exercise and natural remedies that specifically address your state of being.  We will explore your individual concerns so that your personalized plan will give you the essential tools you need to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Accountability:hands coming together with healthy food, holistic health coach

I will guide you towards accountability so that you stay on track, supporting you as you make the sustainable changes that will greatly improve your health and happiness.






“Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body.” 



To decide if holistic health coaching is right for you, schedule a consultation with Marie K. Russo today.